5 Diet and Nutrition Tips to Improve Your Jiu Jitsu Performance

5 Diet and Nutrition Tips to Improve Your Jiu Jitsu Performance

a large plate of cooked chicken breasts with green vegetables

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) classes are intense. Not only does it take skill, it takes a lot of energy to perform well at this sport. Proper diet and nutrition are essential if you want to improve your Jiu Jitsu performance over time. So what should you be doing to get the most out of your Jiu Jitsu practice? We are glad you asked because today we will go over five tips to help you get started.

Tip #1: Eat a Balanced Diet Rich in Whole Foods

It is essential to eat a balanced diet rich in whole foods. The less processed the foods are, the better. Try to incorporate a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your meals. By choosing foods from these groups, you will reap more nutritional benefits. Less processing usually equates to more fiber and nutrients in the food, which will give you the endurance you need during BJJ classes.

Tip #2: Hydrate Properly

Staying hydrated is crucial because our bodies use water to lubricate joints, protect the spinal cord and other sensitive areas (like the brain), and control body temperature, among other things. These essential functions also help you perform at your peak, so always remember to stay hydrated no matter what.

Proper hydration starts before you even step foot into the Jiu Jitsu dojo. Get in the habit of drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning. Continue drinking periodically throughout the day. Within the four hours before you train or compete, aim to drink 5-7 fluid ounces of water per kilogram of your body weight. During training and competition, try to drink 6-12 ounces every 15 to 20 minutes. Weigh yourself right after practice then drink 20-24 ounces of water or a sports drink for every pound you have lost to rehydrate your body.

Tip #3: Don't Skip Meals, Especially before Training

You may find it tempting to skip meals before you train; however, that is detrimental to your Jiu Jitsu practice. You need sufficient energy to make it through your BJJ classes, but give yourself at least 20 to 30 minutes to digest your food prior to training.

Choose foods or snacks that are high in carbohydrates (especially complex carbohydrates), low in fats, and have a moderate amount of protein. Things like fruit, yogurt, and protein smoothies are great options to consider.

Tip #4: Don't Neglect Post-workout Recovery Nutrition

Be mindful about what you eat after spending time at a BJJ gym. You expend a lot of energy and work your muscles in Jiu Jitsu classes, and your body needs nutrients to repair itself. Protein is a vital macronutrient to include in post-workout meals and snacks because it helps repair your muscles. Carbs are also key to your post-workout recovery because they replace your glycogen stores, allowing you to restore energy faster. 

There are a lot of great post-workout meal and snack options. You can try grilled chicken with roasted veggies and rice, a tuna salad sandwich on whole wheat bread, or a quinoa bowl with sweet potatoes and pecans. Pita bread with hummus, Greek yogurt with berries and granola, or whole grain crackers with string cheese are other post-workout snacks you could try. Aim to eat your post-workout meal or snacks within a few hours of your workout.

Tip #5: Consider Supplementation, but Do Your Research

There is some debate as to how beneficial supplements are to our overall health. The bottom line is, if you struggle to get enough of a particular nutrient due to food allergies, sensitivities, or other reasons, choosing a high-quality supplement with the proper dosage can make up for those deficiencies. On the other hand, if you are eating a nutritious, balanced diet, you most likely don't need supplements to perform well. Carefully research the supplements you are considering taking to make sure they are high quality and have the correct dosage for your needs. If you feel unsure about supplements, consult with your physician to see what they recommend for you.

VII. Conclusion

Diet and nutrition are essential to Jiu Jitsu performance, just like any other sport. Make sure you eat a nutritious, balanced diet on a consistent schedule, bearing in mind where your workouts fall within that schedule. You should also do your best to stay hydrated and only use supplements if you need them. By prioritizing your nutrition, you'll enhance your BJJ training and give your body what it needs to perform as effectively as possible.

If you want to participate in live Jiu Jitsu classes, sign up today with Combat Arts S&C in Salt Lake City, Utah. We offer Jiu Jitsu classes for adults and beginners and we look forward to seeing you at our BJJ gym.


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