What Functional Training is and Why it’s Important for Jiu Jitsu

Photograph of a woman lifting a barbell

Jiu jitsu is a rewarding martial art grounded in practical use, and it is among the top most physically demanding sports. You might be surprised how many muscles you use in jiu jitsu training. To perform well in this martial art, taking functional fitness training courses to strengthen your legs, back, and arms will be crucial to your success. Today’s discussion will focus on what functional training is and why it is important for anyone learning jiu jitsu.

What is Functional Training?

Functional training is when you strengthen the major muscle groups that are most often used in jiu jitsu. The purpose of functional training is not to be healthy or get fit but to tone and train your body so it can complete practical tasks with increased strength, agility, and stamina. To complete the functional training you need for jiu jitsu, you will need to join a strength and conditioning gym, find a center that offers functional fitness training courses, or enroll in a functional movement training program.

Benefits of Functional Training

The main benefit of functional training is that it improves your body's performance. Most of the time, the functional training movements you do in a strength and conditioning gym class will consist of compound exercises. That means you will be working out the major muscle groups you use most often on a daily basis, including your thighs, glutes, core, and calves. These muscles give you a solid foundation to rely on when practicing jiu jitsu. For example, holding someone down requires muscular calves, and breaking out of a hold necessitates that you have intense core flexibility. That's why strength training for jiu jitsu is so important; you need to consistently do the exercises that will maximize your strength advantage no matter the opponent that comes your way.

Functional Training for Jiu Jitsu

Jiu jitsu is a full-body martial art centered around grappling, holds, and submissions. It has real-life applications in more situations than karate or kung fu does. You will be more prepared to take someone on from any angle if you regularly practice jiu jitsu, and participating in a functional movement training program will go a long way in improving your jiu jitsu skills.


Taking a jiu jitsu class is good, but applying yourself in a functional fitness training course is even better. Combat Arts S&C is a strength and conditioning gym in Salt Lake City that focuses on improving the practicality and functionality of your jiu jitsu practice. We offer strength training for jiu jitsu to fit the needs of practitioners of all ages. If you are ready to strengthen every muscle you need to improve your jiu jitsu skills, visit Combat Arts S&C today.


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