9 Self-Defense Strategies Every Woman Needs to Know!

black-and-white photograph of a young woman throwing a punch

Young women and women should learn some form of self-defense to keep themselves safe in today's world. By learning self-defense techniques such as jiu jitsu, women become empowered and can use their skills to escape unsafe situations. While any form of self-defense is good, Brazilian jiu jitsu is the best option. This form of women's defense training allows you to hone your newfound skills against real opponents. Continue reading to learn about the nine self-defense strategies every woman needs to know.

Trust Your Instincts

Female jiu jitsu self-defense is vital because it helps you learn new skills that can get you out of dangerous situations as quickly as possible. One of the most important women's defense training is being attentive to your instincts and trusting yourself. Sometimes people get in the habit of second-guessing themselves, even when they sense something is off. Begin to develop the ability to trust your instincts starting now. 

Situational Awareness

Most people think about self-defense as defensive maneuvers and physical confrontations. These are two major aspects of self-defense; however, it is also essential for women to be aware of their surroundings, especially when they are alone. When you remain aware of your surroundings, it gives you a better chance to avoid altercations in the first place. Taking self-defense classes can improve your awareness and ultimately protect you from harm in the real world.

Establish, Communicate, and Enforce Boundaries

Another aspect of self-defense is understanding your boundaries and knowing how to enforce them. Many women believe they should be polite to everyone they meet. However, establishing and communicating your boundaries is of paramount importance. Experienced criminals often "interview" their victims to get a feel for the person before making their first move. Being timid and standoffish makes you an easier target to any perpetrator. If you want to dissuade someone from choosing you as their next victim, stand tall, remain calm, and respond assertively towards them. Don't avoid confrontation, but stand your ground and tell the offender to back off if they begin invading your personal space. 

Deescalation and Verbal Judo

Honing your verbal skills to prevent violent acts is another effective self-defense move. Women, in particular, should learn deescalation strategies to further avoid physical altercations. Being assertive, speaking loudly, and actively drawing attention to yourself often makes you a less appealing target. Using verbal judo is another useful tool. The key is to remain calm and keep talking to the perpetrator until they eventually stop their threatening behavior. In self-defense situations, it is better to respond to the attacker rather than react to their threats. Do your best to maintain eye contact with the attacker too. This tactic humanizes you, making them stop and process what they are about to do.

Stand Up In Base

When a woman is on the ground with an attacker standing over her, it puts her in a very vulnerable position. In brazilian jiu jitsu women's classes, you can learn to master the skill of standing up in base. This move effectively transitions your body from the ground level to get back on your feet.

Mastering the skill of standing up in base begins with proper positioning. Sit on your bottom with your knees bent in front of you and your feet flat on the ground. Next, lean to the right, extending your right arm on the ground to balance yourself. Lean onto your hip and roll your leg to the right. Don't leave your heel upright, let it naturally roll to the right with your leg. Then, extend your right leg in front of you, keeping your toes pointing to the right. Rest your left elbow on your left knee to block yourself from potential blows. 

Finally, use your right arm and left leg to push your hips up, leaving your right leg directly in front of you (off the ground). Drag your right leg behind you until you can stand, keeping your right arm pushing against the ground for the moment. Finish the move by taking a half step back and bringing your hands up to your face. Standing up in base may feel like a complicated move (especially as a beginner), but by taking women's jiu jitsu classes, this can become like second nature to you.

Guillotine Choke from Guard

The next skill all women should learn is a choke move. Doing a guillotine choke opens up an opportunity for you to fight back while maintaining your defensive position. This particular move is ideal when an attacker is carrying you. To perform this move, squeeze your attacker with your legs, then wrap your dominant arm around your attacker's neck. Grab your wrist with your other arm and pull your arms tightly around the attacker's neck. Eventually, they will choke out and lose consciousness. When this happens, immediately get up and run as far away as possible. 

Mount Escape

If an attacker is straddling you on the ground, or any other flat surface, mounting an escape is your best line of defense. This self-defense move is done by trapping one of your attacker's arms with your arms and one of their legs with your legs. From here, use leverage to flip the person off of your torso. This gives you a brief opportunity to escape and call for help. The more you practice this move in women's defense classes, the easier it will be for you to do if you face a real life-threatening situation.

Armbar from Guard

The armbar move is designed to break an attacker’s arm. Begin by grabbing your attacker's arm in both of your hands. At the same time, wrap your legs around the attacker's neck. This positioning gives you enough leverage to twist and break the attacker's arm. Injuring the perpetrator should distract them long enough for you to get away. Performing an armbar may not be easy at first, but continue practicing this move until you get the hang of it.

The Cross Choke

This last bjj women's self-defense move comes in handy when an attacker tries to coerce you onto a bed or any other situation where you have access to fabric. Remain close to your attacker to avoid any punches they may throw at you. Next, grab some fabric in both hands then cross your arms and tightly pull the fabric against their neck until they lose consciousness. Then, run away and find help as soon as you can. You can use a bedsheet or your opponent's shirt to perform a cross choke. The goal is to cut off their oxygen supply, so be careful if the fabric is really stretchy. 

Keeping yourself safe is a crucial skill in today’s world. Don’t fall prey to a malicious invader in your home or out in public and please share these nine self-defense strategies with the women in your life. Come and train with others in the community by signing up for our women’s jiu jitsu classes in Salt Lake City today.


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