How to Improve Flexibility for BJJ

A man celebrates a win at a BJJ tournament

Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that depends on flexibility to perform moves effectively. While you can do Jiu-Jitsu without taking significant time to focus on improving flexibility, your skills will improve significantly if you incorporate increased flexibility into your motions. If you want to perform Jiu-Jitsu at a high level, it helps to increase the flexibility of all your joints. With the proper flexibility exercises, you can improve the rate of your progress in your jiu-jitsu classes and continue honing your craft as a martial artist.

Butterfly Stretch

Flexible hips are essential to good form in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and the butterfly stretch is a great option to increase your hip mobility. In this stretch, you sit on the floor and pull your heels towards your pelvis, creating a butterfly-like shape with your legs. Pay attention to how you feel as you go and stop before you become uncomfortable. Then you can hold the position to get the entire stretch. This stretch will improve your hip mobility which can help you to be quicker on your feet and improve your kicks in your BJJ gym courses.

Lying Half Spinal Twist

A flexible spine is also incredibly useful for improving your ability to move around quickly and effectively in combat Jiu-Jitsu. This flexibility will also help to protect you against injury. First, you will lay flat on the ground. Then stretch your right arm to the right while stretching your right leg over your left leg. Once you have completed the stretch on one side, you should switch so your left leg is over your right and your left arm is stretched to the left.

Neck and Torso Stretch

The neck and torso stretch will help you to add flexibility to your neck and along your trapezius muscles. This stretch is completed by laying flat on the floor with your arms down at your sides. Then slowly raise your feet on the inhale. The goal is to bring your feet past your head and your toes to the ground behind you. You can support yourself throughout the stretch by placing your hands on your hips. As your neck and torso gain flexibility, you can accomplish more in your BJJ classes.

Leg Cradle Stretch

Many people experience pain in their lower back because they do not have enough flexibility in that area. By increasing this flexibility, you can improve your ability to participate in your BJJ school's lessons and feel more comfortable throughout your practice. This stretch is performed by laying on the ground and bringing your left knee upwards. Grasp your left ankle with your right hand and your left knee with your left hand. Pull your knee towards your chest and hold the position for a few seconds. Finally, you release the pose and do it again on the other side.

Yes's and No's

A solid and flexible neck makes it much easier to perform various moves you will master through your Jiu-Jitsu academy. Strong muscles support good flexibility, and the Yes stretch is designed to strengthen your neck muscles. These exercises are loosely based on the nodding and head-shaking motions you would use to indicate yes or no. Yes's are done by laying flat on the ground and moving your chin towards your chest. No's, on the other hand, are done by laying on the ground, lifting your head an inch or so from the floor, and turning your head slowly from left to right. Around 20-30 repetitions is a great starting point for your exercise session.

King Arthur Stretch

The King Arthur stretch is designed to help you prevent injury when you are practicing at your BJJ academy or participating in many different activities. It can be challenging to master, so take it slow and be patient with yourself. Perform this stretch by getting on your hands and knees near a wall. Then, take your left knee towards the wall and bring your toes upwards, so your shin is against the wall. Bring your right foot forwards with your foot flat on the ground. Hold the position for a few seconds and switch legs.

Cossack Squat

Having good hip stability is always going to be a benefit in your BJJ practice. As you strengthen your hips and improve flexibility, you will start to excel in your Jiu-Jitsu dojo and see improvements in your fighting. This squat requires you to stand with your feet wider than shoulder width. You will bend your right knee from this position; be careful not to extend your knee beyond your toes. Keep your left leg extended to the left. After a few seconds in this position, you will return to the middle position and do the same with the other leg.

Downward Facing Dog

A downward dog stretch can be great for increased hip mobility and improves flexibility throughout your body. Start on your hands and knees, then adjust your position by pushing your hands and toes into the mat. This pressure on the mat will allow you to lift your backside into the air, creating an upside-down v shape with your body. This is a simple stretch that can help you get ready for your beginner Jiu-Jitsu class.

Wide-Leg Adductor Stretch

The wide-leg adductor stretch is another important stretch that can be used to increase your hip mobility for BJJ. In this stretch, you sit on the floor with your legs extended. Move your legs outward from your body to create a v shape. Then, lean forward with your arms extended and keep your back straight. This movement can stretch your hips and upper body in preparation for any class you take at your academy of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

Knee-to-Chest Glute Stretch

The knee-to-chest glute stretch is a great place to start when you are looking to stretch your glutes. This is another seated stretch where you sit with your legs extended. Then take your right leg and bend your knee, placing your foot on the other side of your left leg. Turn to the right and keep your left elbow resting on the side of your leg, applying slight pressure to increase the stretch you feel. With this position, you can improve your glute strength and flexibility, which is excellent to help you cool down after a BJJ session.

Kneeling Back Rotation Stretch

Since the back is such an important body part in your Jiu-Jitsu practice, you must ensure it is in good condition. The kneeling back rotation stretch can help prepare you for your Jiu-Jitsu classes for adults. Start by getting on your hands and knees. Then extend your right hand into the air, rotating your body, so your arms make a straight line from your left hand on the ground to your right hand in the air. Hold the stretch for several seconds before returning to the center and switching to the other side.

You can become more competitive at your local Jiu-Jitsu gym when you master these exercises and become a better martial artist. A little bit of flexibility work daily can get you ready to participate in your classes and give you the edge you need to overcome your opponents successfully. That puts you in a great position to flourish as a martial artist and continually strengthen your skill set.

If you are interested in developing your Jiu-Jitsu skills further, then please visit our website and consider joining a class today.


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